'This was written by me a couple of years back...Was due to get published in college souvenier which itself never got published.So now taking advantage of my 'own publication' online...thanks blogspot..' That day my car was stuck in the traffic lights beside a petrol pump. Looking there I saw a little boy of 5-6 yrs of age with filthy clothes , soiled hands ,bare feet leaning on a railing and watching the latest model cars come and go, His small age and little world saw the golden petrol rushing into their ‘rich cars’ tank, the dealing of hard cash and then the quick burning of the fuel to push them from before his eyes in a few seconds. I wondered what might be going through his mind. Was he dreaming ? Or was he repenting of his birth in the streets? Couldn’t afford to get an answer but a deep pain bore into the core of my heart. Its all so blatant but sometimes thinking above everything I ask, Why only a birth of a child is enough to decide that one is going to work f...